Utah Department of Public Safety


Committee Applications, Policy, and Notice

The Bureau of EMS operates numerous committees. Committee agendas and minutes that fall under the Utah Public Notice Act can be found on the Utah Public Notice Website. Search: Government: State,  Entity: Department of Health, body(s): select the committee of interest.

For other committees, please contact bureau staff at ems@utah.gov with your inquiry.

State Emergency Medical Services Committee requirements, membership and application can be found below.

Learn more about EMS Committee and Subcommittees below

State Emergency Medical Services Committee

The EMS Committee is required by statute and assists the department in the adoption of administrative rules. Committee members also establish certification and designation requirements, promote the development of a statewide emergency medical services system, and provide guidelines for patient data. They also work to establish criteria for the grants program, determine the requirements for the coordination of emergency medical services, and outline the medical supervision of emergency medical service providers.

Committee members are appointed by the Governor, consisting of 16 representatives who are surgeons, physicians, nurses, private ambulance providers, fire chiefs, EMS directors, hospital administrators, paramedics, EMTs, and law enforcement.

  • Current Members
  • EMS Grants Subcommittee

    The Legislature established the EMS Grants Program for the purpose of improving the statewide delivery of emergency medical services. This program is administered by the Office of Emergency Medical Services and Preparedness, Division of Population Health, Utah Department of Health and Human Services, through rules established by the EMS Committee.

    EMS Operations Subcommittee

    The Emergency Medical Services Operations Subcommittee is an advisory committee to the state Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Committee and to the Office of Emergency Medical Services and Preparedness. Members of the committee represent both rural and urban perspectives that address EMS policies, equipment and supply standards, vehicle standards, EMS regulations and protocol guidelines.

    EMS Professional Development Subcommittee

    The Emergency Medical Services Professional Development Subcommittee serves as an advisory committee to the state Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Committee and to the Office of Emergency Medical Services and Preparedness. Members of the committee represent both rural and urban perspectives that address EMS professional licensing, reciprocity, renewal standards and the educational requirements for licensing and certification.

    EMS Rules Task Force

    The Office of Emergency Medical Services and Preparedness, by state statute, has established a voluntary task force representing rural and urban providers, as well as a diverse group of Emergency Medical Service providers to advise the department and the EMS Committee on Utah Administrative Rules. The task force consists of 14 members from throughout the EMS community. For more information, please refer to R426-5-3500 or contact the Office of EMSP at ems@utah.gov.

    EMS Personnel Peer Review Board

    The EMS Personnel Peer Review Board advises the department concerning discipline of emergency medical service personnel.  Membership of the board is composed of 15 members appointed by the Executive Director of the Department. Details can be found in R911-5-3400. For additional information, contact us at ems@utah.gov.

    Personnel Review Board Application

    EMSC Advisory Committee

    The EMSC Advisory Committee is a multi-disciplinary committee that provides advice to the Utah Department of Health and Human Services, Office of EMS and Preparedness regarding emergency medical care for children. The committee represents both rural and urban perspectives and addresses national grant performance measures, needs specific to Utah, public information and education, healthcare training for prehospital and hospital health care providers, equipment needs, regulations, protocols, guidelines, emergency preparedness and injury prevention.

    Trauma System Advisory Committee

    The Trauma System Advisory Committee is a multi-disciplinary statutory committee that provides advice to the Utah Department of Health and Human Services, Office of EMS and Preparedness regarding the establishment of a statewide inclusive trauma system. The committee advises the Department on trauma system needs; assists the department in evaluating the quality and outcomes of the overall trauma system; reviews and comments on proposals and rules governing the system; and makes recommendations for the development of statewide triage, treatment, transportation and transfer guidelines.

    Public Health Emergency Preparedness Senior Advisory Committee

    The purpose of the Utah Public Health Preparedness Senior Advisory Committee is to integrate Utah’s preparedness efforts across jurisdictions. The committee’s role is threefold: 1) to complement and better coordinate with other public health and preparedness programs as applicable, 2) to leverage funding streams, and 3) to obtain and ensure public comment and input on public health emergency preparedness and response plans and their implementation from other state, local, and tribal stakeholders.

    Membership is comprised of senior officials from governmental and nongovernmental organizations involved in homeland security, healthcare, public health, and behavioral health.