Utah Department of Public Safety


Complaints received by the Office of Emergency Medical Services and Preparedness (EMSP) are forwarded to the Compliance Officer to be investigated as described in Utah Administrative Rule R426-5-3300 (see https://rules.utah.gov/publicat/code/r426/r426-005.htm#T34). The Compliance Officer investigates complaints pertaining to EMS providers and agencies. The Compliance Officer sends all complaints received against EMS instructors, training officers and course coordinators to the EMS Specialty Care and Education Program to be investigated.

The Office of EMSP will investigate complaints and compliance concerns related to any entity or person who provides emergency medical services in a prehospital setting in the state. The bureau will investigate complaints against a course coordinator, instructor or training officer. This process allows the general public, the state, or other government agencies the ability to file complaints concerning anyone who is licensed, certified or endorsed by the Office of EMSP.

The Office of EMSP will recommend a fair and consistent level of enforcement. This could include any of the following or a combination of any of the following: fines, letter of notice, denial, probation, suspension, or revocation of a person’s license, an agency’s license or designation, or endorsement of personnel.

To file a complaint or to have a compliance issue addressed simply print the appropriate form(s) below. Complete the form and return to the Office of EMSP as indicated on the form. The Office of EMSP, by policy, will not accept an anonymous complaint but every effort will be made to keep the complainant’s information confidential.

If you have any further questions or comments feel free to contact the EMSP at 801-273-6666, contact Roger Edwards at 385-831-4928 or Matt Plendl at 801-231-6314.

Peer Review Board Application