Utah Department of Public Safety

Course Coordinator Update Seminar

Date: February 26, 2021 2:30pm – 3:30pm

Location: Webinar

Registration: Go to emslicense.utah.gov and login to your account.

  1. Select Training from the left navigation. Use the Course number/name search to find and register for the course you need to complete for your certification. Detailed information including schedule, location and fees are found in the course listing. The course number for this Course Coordinator session is CC2020144
  2. After you have successfully registered for the training course, then select Applications from the left navigation. Select the Course Coordinator application.
  • This course is for Course Coordinators to renew their Course Coordinator Endorsement.
  • Applicants must be current with their EMS license, and meet all qualifications
  • Once all qualifications are met, the bureau will update the applicants endorsement.
  • This is a webinar course.
  • Virtual login information will be emailed out a week before the course

Questions? Contact us at ems@utah.gov or 801-273-6666.